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Rebol & Red in Highlight.js

Syntax highlighting for the Web

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Rebol & Red language grammar for highlight.js

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Simply include the Highlight.js library in your webpage or Node app, then load this module.

Static website or simple usage

Simply load the module after loading Highlight.js. You’ll use the minified version found in the dist directory. This module is just a CDN build of the language, so it will register itself as the Javascript is loaded.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/highlight.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"
<script type="text/javascript">

Using directly from the UNPKG CDN

<script type="text/javascript"

With Node or another build system

If you’re using Node / Webpack / Rollup / Browserify, etc, simply require the language module, then register it with Highlight.js.

var hljs = require('highlightjs');
var hljsRedbol = require('highlightjs-redbol');

hljs.registerLanguage("redbol", hljsRedbol);

Rebol code examples

Simple HTTP server:

Rebol [
	Title: "HTTPD Scheme example"

import %httpd.reb

system/options/log/httpd: 3 ; for verbose output

; make sure that there is the directory for logs
make-dir/deep %_logs/

http-server/config/actor 8082 [
	;- Main server configuration
	root: %./
	server-name: "nginx"  ;= it's possible to hide real server name
	keep-alive: [15 100]  ;= [timeout max-requests] or FALSE to turn it off
	list-dir?:  #[true]   ;= allow directory listing
	log-access: %_logs/test-access.log
	log-errors: %_logs/test-errors.log

] [
	;- Server's actor functions

	On-Accept: func [info [object!]][
		; allow only connections from localhost
		; TRUE = accepted, FALSE = refuse
		find [ ] info/remote-ip 

Github API client:

Rebol [
	title: "Github API"
	author: "Oldes"
	license: MIT

My-GitHub-authorization: "token ..." ;<--- replace ...  with your API token!

github: context [
	owner: repository: none
	authorization: :My-GitHub-authorization

	data: #()
	response: none

	use-repo: func[o r][ owner: o repository: r] 

	get: object [
		issues: func[][
			*do 'GET [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues] none
		issue: func[number [integer!]][
			*do 'GET [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number] none
		issue-comments: func[
			{Gets all comments of an issue by its number}
			number [integer!]
			*do 'GET [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number %/comments] none
		issue-labels: func[
			{Gets all labels of an issue by its number}
			number [integer!]
			*do 'GET [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number %/labels] none

		current-user: does [*do 'GET %user none]

	post: object [
		issue: func[
			data [map!] {title, body, labels etc..}
			unless block? data/labels [ data/labels: reduce [labels] ]
			*do 'POST [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues] data

		issue-comment: func[
			{Adds a comment to an issue by its number}
			number  [integer!]
			body    [string!]
			clear data
			data/body: body
			*do 'POST [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number %/comments] data

		issue-label: func[
			{Adds a label to an issue by its number}
			number  [integer!]
			body    [string! block!]
			clear data
			append data/labels: clear [] body
			*do 'POST [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number %/labels] data

	edit: object [
		issue: func[number [integer!] data [map!]][
			*do 'PATCH [%repos/ owner %/ repository %/issues/ number] data

	*do: func[method [word!] path data [map! none!] /local url header][
		url: join api.github path
		;?? url
		header: clear #()
		header/Authorization: authorization
		header/X-OAuth-Scopes: "repo"
		header/Accept: "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"

		if map? data [header/Content-Type:  "application/json"]
		response: write url reduce [method to-block header to-json data]
		try [response: load-json to string! response]

Red code examples

Simple calculator:

Red [needs: 'view]
view [
     title "Calculator"
     f: field 230x50 font-size 25 ""  return 
     style b: button 50x50 [append f/text face/text]
     b "1"  b "2"  b "3"  b " + "  return 
     b "4"  b "5"  b "6"  b " - "  return 
     b "7"  b "8"  b "9"  b " * "  return 
     b "0"  b "."  b " / "  b "=" [attempt [
             calculation: form do f/text 
             append clear f/text calculation

Red/System code examples

Red/System [
	Title:   "Red/System (runtime independent) wait function"
	Author:  "Oldes"
	File:    %wait.reds
	Rights:  "Copyright (C) 2017 David 'Oldes' Oliva. All rights reserved."
	License: "BSD-3 - https:;//"

;use this code only when Red runtime is not embedded 
#if red-pass? = no [
	#switch OS [
		Windows   [
			#import [
				"kernel32.dll" stdcall [
					sleep: "Sleep" [
						dwMilliseconds	[integer!]
			wait: func [ms [integer!]][sleep ms]
		#default  [
			#import [
				LIBC-file cdecl [
					usleep: "usleep" [
						microseconds [integer!]
						return: 	 [integer!]
			wait: func [ms [integer!]][usleep 1000 * ms]